1. Introduction
This tool collect the Avaya Energy Saver (AES) details form ERS400 & 5000 switches including the current energy savings.
This tool collect the Avaya Energy Saver (AES) details form ERS400 & 5000 switches including the current energy savings.
Usage: ERS-AES.pl -h <ip/file> -c <comunity> [options]
-h <ip/file> IP or file (a list of IPs) of ERS IP address
-c <comunity> SNMPv2 read comunity
-f <file> name of the Excel file
-t <time> SNMP timeout in seconds (default 5)
-r <number> SNMP retries (default 1)
-p <number> kWh price in cents
-u <text> currency (default EUR)
ERS-AES.pl -h ip_hosts.txt -c public -f result.xls
ERS-AES.pl -h ip_hosts.txt -c public -f result.xls -p 26.73 -u USD
ERS-AES.pl -h ip_hosts.txt -c public -f result.xls -t 6 -r 3
ERS-AES.pl -h ip_hosts.txt -c public -f result.xls -debug